Tuesday, July 24, 2012

This day. . . . .

wow... it's been a while huh? I'm horrible at this.
But I have decided to give it another try. as useless as it may end up to be... :)

My life has been absolutely insane lately. especially the past month or so.
Sophia is growing like a weed.. most specifically- like our weeds at our house. WAY TOO FAST. I just want her to stay mini forever, why must she grow up and one day be forced to live in this cruel world with all these grown up decisions that I can't even make ? sigh.
Today however was probably one of the best days I have had in a VERY long time. For what perticular reason? None really. It was just a moment this morning, after I had dropped the little angel off at daycare, when I came back home to lock myself away in a room to work that I kind of just sat at my computer desk for about 5 minutes, doing absolutely nothing. staring at the blank screen just thinking. about how much i love my wonderful life and how lucky i am to have a beautiful and perfect daughter and amazing husband who loves me for who i am. and then i just decided that it was going to be a great day. :) I wish all of my days started out like this. And I'm going to try and make it happen, starting right now. I simply don't want to let any negativity into my life anymore. there's no use for it. Let's see how long this lasts, huh? ;)

On another today-is-the-perfect-day-note: My mom FINALLY found a house, and as if this isn't the most amazing news to her already, it's only 2 blocks down the road from our house. Now anyone who KNOWS me, should know why this is the perfect end to my perfect day. To have my mom this close to me at all times gives me nothing but joy. --and just saying that out loud and knowing it's true, that we have THAT kind of relationship and love, makes me even more happy. So this just makes me absolutely estatic to have her in my neighborhood. it's going to be great, and I can't wait!

it's 11:03, and i've actually gotten about 70% of what i said i was going to DONE today, so that's pretty good in my book. I finished 3 photoshoots & discs.... (still 3 more to go, but still!) I reorganized my work desk & files, i think i was able to load and run the dishwasher earlier, so that counts as housework right? I forgot to clip Sophia's fingernails after she fell asleep for the night. crap.. :( chalk that up on tomorrow's to-do list. what's that calling my name?....oh yes.... it's my kindle fire....more importantly, it's V whispering to me to come to bed and read.... night peeps

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